
Namaste Day 2024: Workshop – Didgeridoo


Didgeridoo Workshop with Andries ‘Godfather Didge’ Bruyns of Klitsgras Drumming at the Rhythmic Roots
This workshop runs for 1 hour per session (10:30 & 14:00) and is limited to 35 people per session.
Bring your own Didgeridoo or hire one for R40. Didges also available for sale. 

Please note that booking a workshop does not grant entry to the event.
Get entry tickets for Namaste Day here


What Andries covers in the didgeridoo workshop:
• How to get started
• Creating sound variations
• Circular Breathing
• Double Breathing
• Playing Rhythms
• Making your own rhythms
• Didgeridoo Maintenance
• Different didgeridoos
• Picking a Didgeridoo
He crafts handmade wooden didges for sale or hire, each log selected for its sculptural qualities.


My life is enveloped by rhythm & music and I have had over 25 years of practical experience and exposure to all kinds of ethnic percussive instruments, which lays a great foundation to present a partial interactive learning experience.

I talk on the science behind some of them & how the instrument has evolved over the years and what they look like then & now. I also cover historical events that led up to evolution of music as we know it currently.

Starting Time

10:30, 14:00