SIDEPIECE Music Video Launch @ SurfaRosa, CPT

Be part of the first release this new entity in the Cape Town scene has to offer

7:00 pm

Music Video Launch
Friday 20 December
Two numb skulls and one virtuoso have embarked on a musical journey that incorporates the last 60 years of rock into something fresh. SidePiece.
Be part of the first release this new entity in the Cape Town scene has to offer with SidePiece’s “Right Person, Wrong Time” music video launch on the 20th of Dec at Surfa Rosa. The home of all things independant & alternative in Cape Town.
Join us to find out what all the fuss is about and who exactly the numb skulls are.

SIDEPIECE Music Video Launch @ SurfaRosa, CPT


61a Harrington St, District Six, Cape Town, 7925, South Africa