Greensleeves Medieval Kingdom Johannesburg

At Greensleeves you'll recapture the authentic excitement, the pageantry and splendour - the roisterous bawdy thrill of medieval feasting. We are also open for lunches, picnics, Weddings, and functions.

At Greensleeves Johannesburg, you’ll recapture the authentic excitement, the pageantry and medieval splendour – the roisterous bawdy thrill of feasting as they did in good King Henry’s days.
Come and thrill to the songs, stories, and fun of the Baron and his Minstrels and join in the choruses. You’ll be addressed as Milord and Milady, and entertained right royally. Call “Wench!” – the helpings are splendid and served with great ceremony – mouth-watering fare – all brought by Wenches and Lackeys in period costume, with a flourish of trumpets!